
The company founder, Miha Kriselj has previously held high level positions in Slovenia: at the Public Service Broadcaster (RTV Slovenia), the national regulatory authority (AKOS) and the government ministry where he was head of the Directorate for Information Society and Informatics. In addition, he was previously a member of the European Commission RSPG (Radio Spectrum Policy Group), and a member of the European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC).
Miha holds a BSc in electronic engineering from the University of Ljubljana, a MSc in telecommunications from the University of Maribor, and a post-graduate diploma in Broadcasting from the International Academy of Broadcasting, Montreux, in Switzerland.
Deirdre Kevin is a media consultant specialised in the area of media markets, policy and law. She has provided expertise to the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities, the World Intellectual Property Organisation, the European Cultural Foundation, and several national regulatory authorities. She has authored numerous reports, market and legal analyses, legal opinions and comparative regulatory reviews related to the media sector. Currently, she is Team Leader of an EU funded project aimed at introducing media reforms in North Macedonia. She is also the independent expert working with the European Audiovisual Observatory on the Creative Europe project assessing alignment of third countries with the Audiovisual Media Services Directive. Deirdre previously worked at the European Audiovisual Observatory / Council of Europe in Strasbourg, the European Institute for the Media in Duesseldorf, and the Stirling Media Research Institute in Scotland. She has a BA in Communications studies from Dublin City University, an MA in European Economic and Public Affairs from University College Dublin, and Masters in European Law (LLM) from the University of London.